Airport Information
Dulles Washington Intl.
1 hour 45 min away
★ Shuttle bus will be available at this location only.
Direct trip from Dulles to Harrisonburg departing at 12PM.
Shenandoah Valley
Regional Airport
20 min away
★ Contact Hotel Madison for shuttle logistics.
We highly encourage flying into Dulles so you can ride the scheduled shuttle. Should you choose to fly into another airport we cannot guarantee transportation accommodations.
Transportation Around Harrisonburg
During the conference, transportation will be provided by buses. During the evening, JMU SafeRides will be open for SRPU participants to use!
Hotel Accommodations
While attending the conference, rooms have been reserved at the new state of the art, Hotel Madison. It is conveniently located on campus making all conference locations as well as Downtown Harrisonburg walking distance.
When booking, notify Hotel Madison that you are affiliated with the SRPU conference. You will receive the confirmed and discounted conference rate. Please, contact Hotel Madison directly to make your reservation.
Link to Hotel Madison