Please follow all the steps to secure your spot for the conference!
1. Register
Fill out and submit the registration form.
The conference fee per attendee is $125.
After submitting your registration form, you will receive an e-mail from confirming your registration.
2. Fill out W-9 Form
You can find the form under the registration tab.
3. Send Your Payment
Please mail us your total conference fee for each student that will be attending. Your check should be sent and postmarked no later than January 15, 2020 to ensure proper registration. Do NOT include hotel costs in this payment.
Made out to:
SafeRides Inc.
SRPU Conference Fee
Addressed to:
SafeRides Inc.
738 S Mason St
MSC 3536
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
4. Reserve Your Hotel Room(s)
All reservations will be taken care of directly through Hotel Madison.
When calling, you must notify the hotel that you are affiliated with SRPU in order to get the conference discount.
Contact Hotel Madison at (540)-564-0200