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We highly encourage all conference guests to stay at Hotel Madison as it is on JMU's campus, eliminating the need for a vehicle. Please reserve your room by Wednesday, January 29, 2020. If you reserve after this time it is not guaranteed that you will be given the discounted conference rate. 

There are 3 different methods to reserve your room(s):

1.) Direct Link:  Click here


You will see that under the description it reads available from Thursday, February 27th, 2020 -  Saturday, February 29th, 2020. We want to note that it is actually available to Sunday, March 1st, 2020, so when you select your check in and check out dates at the top of the page make that change if you are staying for the duration of the conference. 



2.) Online through Hotel Madison's website:


Once you've clicked on the link, click RESERVE NOW. Then input your arrival and departure dates, number of rooms, and number of adults. On the same screen, in the box labeled SELECT AN OPTION, CODE, type in SAFERIDES20 and then click RESERVE NOW. You will be taken to a screen where you can select your room type and enter payment details.



3.) Hotel Madison's phone number: 540-568-0200


When you call, say you are making reservations for Safe Ride Programs United.

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